School Activities2024-25 Preschool 2024-25 ExpandAugustActvities for the month of August-PreschoolMayActvities for the month of May-PreschoolAprilActivities for the month of April-Preschool Pre-Primary 2024-25 ExpandAugustActivities for the month of August- Pre-PrimaryJulyActivities for the month of July- Pre-PrimaryMayActivities for the month of May- Pre-PrimaryAprilActivities for the month of April- Pre-Primary Class -1 ExpandAugustActivities for the month of August -Class IJulyActivities for the month of July- Class 1MayActivities for the month of May -Class IAprilActivities for the month of April - Class 1 Class -2 ExpandAugustActivity for the month of August - Class IIJulyActivity for the month of July- Class IIMayActivities for the month of may class IIAprilActivity for the month of April - Class II PRIMARY ExpandJULYJULY ACTIVITIES CL-3 to 5 (2024)MAYMAY ACTIVITIES CL-3 to 5 (2024)APRILPRIMARY_ APRIL CL-3 to 5 (2024)