founders’ day assembly

The founders’ day assembly came as a pride to every bal bhartian as we recalled the efforts of the founders of our school In bringing us to this level of academic excellence.
We were duly addressed as the appointments and the students by our respected vice principal ma’am on the issues that deserve due consideration by each and every
student of the school .she made us realize how tough it was for all of our teachers to put in so much effort to take all of us on trips and make our out of the class learning an
experience to remember . One of the major issues raised by her was the growing behavioural issues in the students that all of us need to tackle .we all must also respect our
teachers and express our gratitude to then for doing so much for all of us. She gave us a lesson on life that is going to echo in our minds always. The occasion was
celebrated with a beautiful dance by class 11 students as well as a melodious performance by the choir. The assembly was very informative and instilled a feeling of pride
amongst us all.